Music and art weave together throughout our worship services, inviting us into the presence of the Sacred. Many musicians and artists find a home at FCC Morehead, and our worship reflects the great diversity of Appalachia and our home next to Morehead State University.
Local artists and members of the congregation often contribute to the richness of our worship. From the skillfully crafted stained glass to the great variety of handsewn paraments on the lectern and communion table to the large handcrafted river rock chalice sculpture which provides a place for private prayer petitions--the work of artists and artisans are a welcome component of our worship together.
Local artists and members of the congregation often contribute to the richness of our worship. From the skillfully crafted stained glass to the great variety of handsewn paraments on the lectern and communion table to the large handcrafted river rock chalice sculpture which provides a place for private prayer petitions--the work of artists and artisans are a welcome component of our worship together.
Additionally, on any given Sunday you will find a variety of instrumental and vocal music - from jazz to classical to spirituals to modern to bluegrass - in our worship. A combination of soloists, choral music, the sounds of our 50 year old Walcker pipe organ, hand bell choir, and congregational hymn singing can be found in our Sunday worship services.
We value our deep historic roots in education and that tradition continues in the internships we offer to Morehead State University music students who serve with the choir and assist with the youth programs. This program, the Choral Scholars, is a testament to the church's commitment to outreach and evangelism as well as education as we seek to enrich young musicians with church music program experience while they bring their talents to our worship.
Would you like to get involved?
One main focus of our music ministry is the Sanctuary Choir. This group brings together volunteers from the congregation and community as well as our Choral Scholar Interns. The choir, led by our Music Director, Genny Jenkins, leads in worship regularly during the school year with a summer sabbatical break. All are welcome to join this group of dedicated musicians! Weekly practices are held Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the church sanctuary.
Another important facet of our music ministry is the FCC Bell Choir. This group is made up of congregational members and practices weekly on Wednesday evenings at 5:00 PM with three octaves of Schumerich hand bells. The Bell Choir shares musical offerings regularly in our Sunday worship and our weekly Zoom Vespers. New and experienced bell ringers are always welcome!
If you have questions or would like more information about the arts at FCC Morehead, send us a message.
First Christian Church, Morehead, KY is a non-profit, religious organization.
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